Stand Up!

Stand Up!

Stand Up!
By Brod Bagert

For little plants to grow up tall
their cells have got to have a wall.
A substance we call cellulose
is what those walls are made of most.
It’s strong enough to hold the weight
which helps a plant to grow up straight.

How can corn stalks grow so tall?
Corn-stalk cells have got a wall.

Why don’t giant oak trees fall?
Oak-tree cells have got a wall.

Blades of grass so very small?
Even grass-cells have a wall.

I guess those plants must think it’s fun
to grow and grow toward the sun,
but if they want to grow up tall
their cells have got to have a wall.
Without cell walls to do the job
a plant would be a mushy blob.


Copyright 2015 Brod Bagert